5 science-based steps guide for you to choose the perfect probiotic product.
In this article we will provide you 5 science-based steps that will guide you on how to choose and take your probiotics and not be fooled and overwhelmed by all these options available in the pharmacy or even supermarket shelves.
1- The dosage of probiotic microorganisms
The dosage is expressed in CFU/ml or CFU/g. where CFU stands for colony forming unit per gram or ml of food, in more simple terms it shows in the laboratory the number colonies formed by the bacteria before being exposed to digestion. Health agencies and organisations suggest that the minimum required and must be labelled in a probiotic product is one billion.
2- Matching the probiotic strain with the target disease or disorder:
Each probiotic strain is unique and have different mechanism of action, so before buying product check the label and ask your doctor or nutritionist or any professional that is following your health condition to guide you on the strains that can be beneficial and efficient for your case.
3- Prioritize probiotic foods on probiotic complements:
Probiotic foods are better and absorbed by the body that will have not only probiotics but also other important nutrients.
4- Read the label
Before going to buy from the store make sure to ask your doctor what the dosage and strains (type) of probiotic that will suit you the most and will be effective on your targeted disease or disorder.
5- Storage conditions and expiration dates
Some probiotics are sensitive to heat and in general colonies or number of bacteria in the complement or the food tend to decline, make sure that the store or pharmacy you are buying from are storing the product in the right conditions without forgetting to verify theĀ expiring dates.
Empower yourself to make informed decisions and align your probiotic regimen with your health goals by following these scientifically proven steps. Bid farewell to confusion and confidently move towards optimal health.
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